Central Council

Candace Karasarkisian, Chairwoman

Hey everyone! My name is Candace Karasarkisian, and I am so excited to be serving as your new ACYO-WD Chairwoman! This is my third year serving on Central Council, having previously served as Recording Secretary for the past two years. I am so honored to call St. Gregory the Illuminator Armenian Apostolic Church of Pasadena my home. This year marks 10 years since I’ve been an official member of ACYO, starting as a Sunday School student who wanted to be at church more often than just once a week. Other than my church life, I am currently a full-time student at the University of California, Riverside, pursuing a Bachelor of Arts degree in Sociology. In my free time, I enjoy hiking, sculpting, and studying the Bible. The Central Council is here to plant a seed in the youth for their faith to grow, and for those youth to then pass it on and plant that seed into others around them. My goal for this year is to continue to help guide members to be greater leaders within their church communities and outside of church and to provide them with the resources they need to set them up for success.

Ossanna Amran, Vice Chairwoman

Hi Everyone! My name is Ossanna Amran, and this is my fifth year serving the Central Council. I have served as Recording Secretary, Vice Chair, and Chairwoman, but this year I will be serving as your Vice Chair once again! I first joined ACYO in 2012 at St. Leon Ghevontiants Armenian Cathedral in Burbank but have been involved in many chapters across the Western Diocese since then. I received my Bachelor of Arts degree in Psychology at the University of California, Los Angeles in 2022, and am currently applying for Ph.D. Programs in Clinical Psychology. Apart from my involvement in ACYO, CYMA, Choir, and other diocesan organizations, I also enjoy cooking/baking, roller skating, ceramics, and spending time with friends and family in my free time. With all of my involvement and experiences over the past few years, I strive to continue my mission of helping youth dive deeper into their Armenian Apostolic Christian faith, culture, and values and continue to serve the Armenian Apostolic Church with my fellow Central Council! May God bless us and guide us on our journey to Christ, so that we focus on Him always.

Nareg Kasian, Treasurer

Hello everyone! My name is Deacon Nareg Kasian, and I will be serving as the Treasurer for the Central Council this year. I have been an ACYO member since 2013. During this time, I've had the opportunity to serve on the board of St. Leon Burbank for the past few years. Apart from serving on the altar and the ACYO, I am also involved in various Diocese committees and organizations. Outside of ACYO, I am a practicing attorney. I hope to apply my many years of experience to my new role in the Central Council to help our ACYO prosper. I look forward to working with my fellow board members this year. Praying for a wonderful and blessed year ahead!

Sarah Koloyian, Recording Secretary

Hi everyone! My name is Sarah Koloyian and this will be my first year serving on the Central Council as Recording Secretary. My home parish is St. John, San Francisco where I have been serving as Chair for the past two years. Currently, I am working towards completing my bachelor's degree in both biology and psychology at UCI and hope to pursue a veterinary degree after graduating. During down time, I have been reading, cooking, and learning how to crochet. The church has always been a part of my life and I am excited to take my involvement to the next step. I hope to strengthen my faith and make memories with my fellow board members and everyone else.

Arthur Semionov, Corresponding Secretary

Hi everyone! My name is Arthur Semionov, and this is my first year serving on the Central Council board as Corresponding Secretary. I am from Holy Resurrection Armenian Apostolic Church in Seattle, and I got involved in ACYO in 2020 where I am currently the Vice Chair. I’m happy to get someone outside of the California area on board and expand our organization. About a year ago I graduated with my Masters in Transportation Engineering from the University of Washington in Seattle. Now I have worked at the State Department of Transportation as a Design Engineer for almost a year. I work with many different people, and I enjoy what I do. I also enjoy cooking different foods, going to the gym, and having outdoor adventures. Growing up I was always involved in my church and I served on the altar for 12 years. I look forward to all the upcoming events and expanding participation in our community!

Mary Iskenyan, Publicity Director

Hello everyone! My name is Mary Iskenyan, and this is my first year as Central Council's Publicity Director! Whether it's at an ACYO event, a Saturday School teaching/event, or a Badarak service, you can always find me representing St. Paul Armenian Apostolic Fresno Chapter, or Central California, as most people would call it. I aspire to one day use the knowledge I'm gaining as a psychology student to help others as a counselor or guide. I am looking forward to serving on Central Council with an incredible group of friends and seeing what the year brings.

Andrew Garibian, Advisor

Hi everyone. My name is Andrew Garibian. I’m looking forward to serving on the ACYO Central Council for another year, I will be serving as your Advisor for 2024. One important aspect I want to bring into ACYO is bringing as much youth closer to God and the Armenian church while having everyone grow in faith. Currently, I am a jeweler working at the LA Jewelry District and also playing soccer semi-professionally. I have been a part of the St. Leon Burbank ACYO chapter for 7 years and have been serving on the church’s altar for 5 years. I’ve enjoyed every moment and look forward to serving our church for many more years. We have many exciting events planned, can’t wait to have an amazing year with you all!