Sports Weekend
A tournament that brings all the ACYO-WD chapters from throughout the Diocese together to compete in various sports tournaments. This event is held every Memorial Day weekend.
Meetings are held with the ACYO-WD Central Council, chapter delegates, advisors, and parish priests, where old and new topics are discussed and elections are held. This event is held every MLK weekend.
Senior Retreat
A 3-day spiritual weekend for youth ages 18-30, or 17 and a senior in high school, in the Armenian Church Summer Camp, dedicated to gathering our youth to take a moment to reflect, grow together in faith, and build long-lasting friendships!
Junior Retreat
A 3-day spiritual weekend for youth ages 12-17 in the Armenian Church Summer Camp, dedicated to gathering our youth to take a moment to reflect, grow together in faith, and build long-lasting friendships!
The Christian Youth Mission to Armenia (CYMA) serves to unify and strengthen the Armenian community by establishing a BRIDGE between the diaspora's Youth and Our Homeland through participation in the social, religious, professional, and cultural life of Armenia.
Day of Giving
Our young leaders helping to pack Christmas packages with food, supplies, and toys for 60 local families in need!
Alumni Gala
A banquet party for past and current ACYO members from all across the Western Diocese.
Regional Meetings
This meeting enables the ACYO-WD Central Council to meet with chapters in person and for everyone in the region to meet each other. Newer or struggling chapters can get ideas and support from existing chapters. Chapters also give feedback about their needs as a chapter, and what they've been up to!
Christmas Fellowship
After our Day of Giving event, we all get together for an evening of food, games, and music, hosted by His Eminence Archbishop Hovnan Derderian at his home or the Western Diocese Headquarters.
Chairman's Summit
Once a year, we like to gather all of our chairmen from different ACYO chapters and have a meeting with them!